Old Posts rediscovered to inspire!

Please like our new exciting page Midnightrabbi-inspires and live inspired!

We can make it again if we want bs’d

Unity of the Bands drew about 700 people to the Great Synagogue in Jerusalem, almost all of them young American yeshiva students. Proceeds of the ticket sales went to charity.
First place went to Az Yashir from Yeshivat Kesher. Second place went to Jesse and Hello Sid from Yeshivat Reishit. Tied for third place was The 104 from Yeshivat Sha’arei Mevaseret Tzion and the Levi Teitz Band from Yeshivat Har Etzion. For a full length interview about Az Yashir, the winning band, and their songs based on real life experiences in Gaza, visit http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/130333

Help us make a change and difference again http://www.israelnationalnews.com//News/News.aspx/133312

This is the current cause which needs help urgently now… #Goodweek! #Special #Mitzvah #Opportunity http://t.co/lCRFWSr #make a #difference http://www.betshemesh-educenter.org.il/

And then we can move onto the Unity concerts …

Fire On the Mountain- Reflections on the Air of Destruction by Yaakov Lehman

17 Tammuz, 1,941 years ago- The siege of Jerusalem commences ultimately leading to the destruction of the Holy Jewish Temple and the subsequent 2000 year running exile of the Jewish people.




17 July, 11 days ago.  The Jerusalem forest bursts into flames destroying 37 acres and forcing an evacuation Holocaust memorial Yad Vashem.


Walking atop their respective ruins, I reflect…




Born into the aftermath of destruction.  The charred remains still throb with fire, searing my lungs, burning my eyes, emptying my heart of seemingly all consolation.


Enchanted garden, once so lush and teaming with life vibrancy, flittering with the exuberance of everything so fresh, so alive, so real.


Reduced now to a scarred memory, former magnificence staling with each gust of exhausted wind.   A battlefield sore and aching, casting sordid sorrows into the soul of the earth.


Disheveled survivors of the infernal deluge lay scattered about.  Disfigured forms of former splendor.  A tree stump smoldering in the morning sun, offering a final prayer to the heavens as its very existence dissolves into a steady breath of charcoaled steam.  A few ancient rocks lay bear and exposed, all compassion and life singed from their blackened facade. Mounds of chalky ash projecting an icy complexion from the earths surface; a lifeless canvas unwittingly playing host to a handful of expiring shadows.


Destruction.  It is has come, it has passed; a reality to accept.


Move on.  We shall.  Affirming the belief that life can be rebuilt atop the dregs of death.  To flourish in the face of suffering- it is our unmitigated destiny.


But before we take that brave step forward; into dream and ambition, accomplishment and success.   Before we transition into the action which is indeed our calling, let us step back; pause, ponder the silent casualties of our past. Reflect and retreat into a space of unspoken stillness.


You and I, we were born after the destruction.  We saw not the tears, heard the screams, nor smelled the fires of expulsion, exile, and extermination.


Yet were we not born of their very ashes, memories terminally encoded into the exalted algorithm of our spiritual DNA?


If only…


If only we cultivate the proper will.  If we expend the necessary effort.  We can relate, understand and empathize with the historical roots upholding our bodies and soul.  We can consult the time weathered spirit of our illustrious ancestors; those who came before, who planted the seeds which govern our blooming fields of perception.


The soil of our secluded forests may be covered in soot.  The stones of our sacred temple may be trampled underfoot by google-eyed tourists imagining they are at some cotton candy dispensing archeological amusement park.


Nevertheless, a true spirit lies dormant underneath; gestating, germinating, each mitzvah performed catalyzing the process of redemption one step closer.


Life: tis’ a journey untamed, a long-winded process bringing us to our eventual destination.  We the travelers, our goals and values at the wheel, our good deeds providing the combustion that powers us forward.


Hope, persistence, optimism: these constitute our windshield into the future.  Yet as a people we must from time to time glance up into the rearview, backtracking our trajectory to ascertain how we arrived here, from where we initially departed, and where it was we sought to travel in the first place.


It makes no difference whether the flames subsided 2 weeks or 2 thousand years ago.  Our future is seeded in our past.  The past is the key to our future.


To quote a contemporary non-Jewish sage of the musical persuasion, “We know where we’re going, we know where we’re from, we’re leaving Babylon, going to the promised land”


We must dance between these two immutable spheres of reality, gliding with pure intent along the rhythmic contours of time and space.


Alive and awake, delighted and dancing, we shall persevere.

Yaakov Lehman
יעקב בן ראובן    李家樹
Jerusalem, Israel

Fire On the Mountain- Reflections on the Air of Destruction by Yaakov Lehman

17 Tammuz, 1,941 years ago- The siege of Jerusalem commences ultimately leading to the destruction of the Holy Jewish Temple and the subsequent 2000 year running exile of the Jewish people.


17 July, 11 days ago.  The Jerusalem forest bursts into flames destroying 37 acres and forcing an evacuation Holocaust memorial Yad Vashem.


Walking atop their respective ruins, I reflect…




Born into the aftermath of destruction.  The charred remains still throb with fire, searing my lungs, burning my eyes, emptying my heart of seemingly all consolation.


Enchanted garden, once so lush and teaming with life vibrancy, flittering with the exuberance of everything so fresh, so alive, so real.


Reduced now to a scarred memory, former magnificence staling with each gust of exhausted wind.   A battlefield sore and aching, casting sordid sorrows into the soul of the earth.


Disheveled survivors of the infernal deluge lay scattered about.  Disfigured forms of former splendor.  A tree stump smoldering in the morning sun, offering a final prayer to the heavens as its very existence dissolves into a steady breath of charcoaled steam.  A few ancient rocks lay bear and exposed, all compassion and life singed from their blackened facade. Mounds of chalky ash projecting an icy complexion from the earths surface; a lifeless canvas unwittingly playing host to a handful of expiring shadows.


Destruction.  It is has come, it has passed; a reality to accept.


Move on.  We shall.  Affirming the belief that life can be rebuilt atop the dregs of death.  To flourish in the face of suffering- it is our unmitigated destiny.


But before we take that brave step forward; into dream and ambition, accomplishment and success.   Before we transition into the action which is indeed our calling, let us step back; pause, ponder the silent casualties of our past. Reflect and retreat into a space of unspoken stillness.


You and I, we were born after the destruction.  We saw not the tears, heard the screams, nor smelled the fires of expulsion, exile, and extermination.


Yet were we not born of their very ashes, memories terminally encoded into the exalted algorithm of our spiritual DNA?


If only…


If only we cultivate the proper will.  If we expend the necessary effort.  We can relate, understand and empathize with the historical roots upholding our bodies and soul.  We can consult the time weathered spirit of our illustrious ancestors; those who came before, who planted the seeds which govern our blooming fields of perception.


The soil of our secluded forests may be covered in soot.  The stones of our sacred temple may be trampled underfoot by google-eyed tourists imagining they are at some cotton candy dispensing archeological amusement park.


Nevertheless, a true spirit lies dormant underneath; gestating, germinating, each mitzvah performed catalyzing the process of redemption one step closer.


Life: tis’ a journey untamed, a long-winded process bringing us to our eventual destination.  We the travelers, our goals and values at the wheel, our good deeds providing the combustion that powers us forward.


Hope, persistence, optimism: these constitute our windshield into the future.  Yet as a people we must from time to time glance up into the rearview, backtracking our trajectory to ascertain how we arrived here, from where we initially departed, and where it was we sought to travel in the first place.


It makes no difference whether the flames subsided 2 weeks or 2 thousand years ago.  Our future is seeded in our past.  The past is the key to our future.


To quote a contemporary non-Jewish sage of the musical persuasion, “We know where we’re going, we know where we’re from, we’re leaving Babylon, going to the promised land”


We must dance between these two immutable spheres of reality, gliding with pure intent along the rhythmic contours of time and space.


Alive and awake, delighted and dancing, we shall persevere.

Yaakov Lehman
יעקב בן ראובן    李家樹
Jerusalem, Israel

Wake up! An Almost Nuclear Iran!

Click here for true-important-ways-of-supporting-israel-in-times-of-need!Kollel Emunas Yisrael Beitar! Click here for our ->inspirations-for-today Check out below one day that people were inspired by !!!

Iran is currently a serious threat. The ruler of Iran repeatedly and explicitly announces that he wants to kill every Jew, as Haman declared. If he will succeed in attaining nuclear warfare, we will all be in serious danger. Those in the know predict that the bomb will be ready by the summer.
It is no secret that the secular Israeli government is considering attacking Iran to prevent them from acquiring the weapons which would render them capable of destroying the tiny country in moments. What is also understood is that such an attack will likely launch the Third World War.
With Israel and the world in so much danger, why are we silent?! Why aren’t we praying?! Why are we so apathetic?!
One thing is clear; there is no need to panic. Hashem will definitely perform miracles. However, we must prepare adequately for miracles. We have to repent and pray and await the salvation of Hashem.
Every Jew has to ask Hashem to spare the Jewish people, his family and himself. We should exercise special focus during the parts in the daily prayers when we pray for salvation from enemies. Midnightrabbi inspires wants you to click on this !!! http://www.emunas.com/audio/Shalosh_Seudah_Torah/27_Iran.pdf
Source: Excerpted from the written English translation of ‘IRAN NEARLY NUCLEAR’

Inspiration on Feb 16th 2012! Time to really wake up!

Read below a great translation about Iran from Rav Moshe Wolfson and listen carefully Language – English/Yiddish
Date 3 Mishpatim 5772
Title – HISORERI HISORERI –Wake up Wake up –  An Almost Nuclear Iran 
Category of Shiurim – Topics
-listen on Kol Haloshon –             718 906 6400       press-3-4-20-1-17


By Yochonon Donn BROOKLYN – Harav Moshe Wolfson, shlita, spoke Tuesday night in a rare mid-week assembly for his kehillah, Emunas Yisroel in Boro Park, asking bluntly why there is no greater uproar within the community over the potential for war over Iran’s nuclear ambitions. “Why are we quiet? Where is the awakening? Why is everyone so apathetic?” asked Rav Wolfson, who is also mashgiach of Yeshivah Torah Vodaath. “Everyone is busy with narishkeiten, we don’t hear the alarm? We don’t know that we have to pierce the heavens for rachamim from the Ribbono Shel Olam?” Rav Wolfson told the packed beis medrash of nearly 1,000 people that the potential for a war encompassing Iran, Israel, Europe and the United States over the next few weeks is a real one, and Klal Yisrael must prepare itself spiritually. “Everyone knows that there is currently a growing danger from Iran – and it is a great error for whoever does not know this,” Rav Wolfson said. “Why should a Yid not know what is happening to [other] Yidden? Everyone must know what is happening in regard to other Yidden. Everyone must know what is happening in Eretz Yisrael.” Rav Wolfson began talking this past Shabbos about the dangers from the Iran crisis, when he stopped and said that it was not a subject to discuss on Shabbos. He said he would continue the topic during the week. The last time he called for a special asifah during the week to discuss current events was in 1991, prior to the Gulf War. Rav Wolfson started his address, which was carried live by Kol Halashon, with the famous Rambam, who writes that it is a mitzvah to daven during troubled times. “If you don’t daven,” the Rambam says, “then it is a cruelty, since it will get worse.” “The leader in Iran says clearly – he repeated it this week – that he wants to kill, Rachmana litzlan, every Yid in the world, just like Haman,” Rav Wolfson said. “If he will be successful, chas v’shalom, in getting the nuclear bomb – and experts says he will have it by the summer – it will be a great danger for Klal Yisrael.” “A good part of the world’s Jews live in Israel, and the government there says that they will attack Iran first, before they could get the nuclear bomb. If that happens, everyone knows that that will cause a world war.” Rav Wolfson said that he heard that Harav Yosef Rosenblum, Rosh Yeshivah of Yeshivah Shaarei Yosher, spoke recently about the crisis with Iran – he said that during this eis tzarah, “Hashem is judging us on every klal and on every prat.” Rav Wolfson quoted the Pesikta, who says that the year when Moshiach will come all nations will battle each other. The spark that will set it off, according to the Medrash, will be when the king of Paras – which is modern-day Iran – will threaten “Arabia,” presumably Saudi Arabia, such as is happening today. Arabia will go for an alliance with Edom – the culture of Edom is today’s Western world, Europe and United States. Paras will then destroy the world and the Yidden will be thrown into turmoil. Hashem will then say: “Do not fear, the time for your Geulah has come.” Rav Wolfson noted how eerily similar this Medrash is to what is occurring today. “We don’t have to be in a panic,” Rav Wolfson said, “Hashem will perform miracles for us. But efsher takeh. Maybe the time for the Geulah has arrived. We must prepare for the Geulah.” Rav Wolfson said that since the Holocaust, Hashem has performed great miracles for the Yidden. Eretz Yisrael, which today hosts most of the world’s Yidden and most of the Torah world, merited supernatural siyatta diShmaya during its wars. When the Palestinians shoot missiles from Gaza, they land mostly in empty areas and cause little damage. When then-Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein shot 39 Scud missiles during the Gulf War, only one Yid was killed – that man had previously received a klalah from the Chazon Ish. “This a hashgachah niflaah that is reserved only for Yidden who learn Torah, who keep the mitzvos and who will ultimately do teshuvah,” Rav Wolfson said. “Hashem wants to do nissim for us. Israel is surrounded by 300 million Arabs and we are still there; that means Hashem wants to do yeshuos. We must prepare for yeshuos.” But just like Eliyahu had to daven on Har Hacarmel even though Hashem had already promised to bring rain, Hashem still wants the tefillos of Klal Yisrael today, even though He had promised to bring yeshuos. In order to qualify for these miracles, Rav Wolfson said, we must strengthen in Torah, tefillah and chessed. He specifically suggested saying Tehillim 46 every day, adding that he is asking his own kehillah to have the kapitel printed out and stuck to the back of every siddur. During the Suez campaign in 1956, the Belzer Rebbe asked that people say that particular kapitel, since it is a segulah to prevent warfare. “Everyone has to be mispallel that Klal Yisrael should be saved from chevlei Moshiach, that he and his family should be saved,” he said. Rav Wolfson also spoke about kevias ittim for Torah, not interrupting even “if the cell phone rings.” “I heard from the Lubavitcher Rebbe, zt”l, that when a Yid sits down to learn it should be like Shabbos,” Rav Wolfson said. “That is the only time that one is pattur from work.” “In a beis medrash it is Shabbos. … If someone interrupts his learning and he picks up the phone, he brings the marketplace, he brings the office into Shabbos. He is mechallel the Shabbos.” But above all, Rav Wolfson said, Yidden should keep in mind that we live in momentous times, and we should prepare for the upcoming era with emunah and bitachon. “In the next couple of weeks there will be news,” Rav Wolfson said, “and with the help of Hashem, it will be good news for Yidden.”!

To Sponsor A Month’s/Week’s Translation In Honor Or Memory Of A Loved One, Call 718 438 3451 – 1 –

It is a Mitzvah to Pray when a Calamity Befalls the Community
The following is an excerpt from the Rambam
It is a mitzvah in the Torah (Biblical commandment) to cry out and blow
trumpets upon every calamity that befalls the community, as the verse states:
“[When] an enemy torments you, blow trumpets
.” The meaning of this verse is
that if anything torments you, for example: a famine, epidemic, locusts or anything
similar, you should pray fervently and blow trumpets.
This is the way of teshuvah (repentance): When a calamity befalls, one
prays and blows trumpets. [Then, the belief is reinforced that] it is because of evil
deeds that this befell them [Hashem rewards righteous deeds and punishes
transgressions]… [Repentance] will cause the misfortune to cease.
However, if they do not wail and blow trumpets [they ignore the danger]
and say, ‘a phenomena of the natural world order befell us; this catastrophe is a
coincidence,’ [they deny that Hashem is demanding something from us] this is
cruelty, because it causes them to continue in their evil deeds. And this tragedy
will be accompanied by more disaster, as the Torah states, “And if you will go with
Me [saying that what happened is] a coincidence, I will go with you with [a] furious
[series of] coincidence[s]
The Ramban is of the opinion that the biblical obligation to pray is precisely when one is
in a dire situation.
According to both the Rambam and the Ramban one must pray in a time of danger.
We are Now in a Time of Danger
A person should keep himself updated with the Jewish news. He should know how Jews
worldwide are faring. It is especially important to know what is happening in Eretz Yisroel, as the
verse in Tehillim
instructs, “Inquire about the peace of Yerushalayim.”
Iran is currently a serious threat. The ruler of Iran repeatedly and explicitly announces
that he wants to kill every Jew, as Haman declared. If he will succeed in attaining nuclear
warfare, we will all be in serious danger. Those in the know predict that the bomb will be ready
by the summer.
It is no secret that the secular Israeli government is considering attacking Iran to prevent
them from acquiring the weapons which would render them capable of destroying the tiny
country in moments. What is also understood is that such an attack will likely launch the Third
World War.
Why are We Apathetic?
With Israel and the world in so much danger, why are we silent? Why aren’t we praying?
Why are we so apathetic?
Everyone is busy with their petty activities; we are distracted with texting, gadgets,
politics and other silliness and are deaf to the alarm bells! Why aren’t we conscious of what is
happening in the world?! Why don’t we rend the heavens with prayer?
True, we are also occupied with chasing a livelihood and daily living – and yes, these are
necessities – but we are now in danger and have to focus on prayer and repentance! – 2 –
Why is no one talking about this? I thought to myself, “Now is not the time for silence!”
When there is no man to do the task, one has to do it himself
. Therefore, I asked that everyone
assemble. Afterwards I was informed that Harav Rosenblum Shlit”a had already spoken about
this, and that he said that now is a time when the general population as well as the individual is
being judged.
Mashiach Seems Imminent
The Pesikta Rabasi
Rabbi Yitzchak said: The year that Mashiach will appear, the kingdoms of
the nations will quarrel with each other.
The King of Persia will fight with the King of Arabia, and theKking of Arabia
will go to Edom for advice. (As we see today, Iran is threatening Saudi Arabia.)
The King of Persia will destroy the whole world. All the nations will scream and be
confused. They will experience pain similar to the pangs of labor. The Jewish
people will scream and be confused and they will ask, “Where shall we go? Where
should we turn?” Hashem will say to them, “My children, do not be frightened; the
time for your redemption has arrived.”
The Maharal states that although the Babylonian and Median Empires disappeared,
Edom (the European nations) and Persia will remain until the coming of Mashiach. Persia is
Iran, the place where Achashveirosh once gave the royal signet to a villain who intended to kill
every Jew. Although Persia is not a nation of Yishmael, it identifies with his culture; as we see,
they practice the religion of Yishmael, Islam
This Pesikta is eerily similar to today’s current events. I cannot state with certainty that it
refers to our times – until Mashiach comes we cannot know anything for sure – but perhaps yes?
The likelihood of Mashiach arriving soon seems quite probable.
We have to prepare for the final redemption.
There is No Reason to Panic
One thing is clear; there is no need to panic. Hashem will definitely perform miracles:
“Stand and await the salvation of Hashem
.” Ever since the Holocaust, Hashem’s countenance
has smiled on the Jewish people, and he has performed big miracles for them.

Today, Eretz Yisroel is the home of almost half of the Jewish people. Almost all of the
Torah learning in the world today occurs in Eretz Yisroel. All the miraculous wars that this
tiny country experienced are completely out of sync with nature. The terrorists throw their
missiles at Israeli population centers and they keep on missing! These same missiles cause
hundreds and thousands of casualties in Iraq and other countries. In Eretz Yisroel, no one is
injured! Sometimes here and there, the terrorists succeed in murdering individuals, but that is
nothing compared to the scores of victims they slay – using the same techniques – in other
During the Gulf War there was only one direct casualty of the thirty-nine missiles – a man
who was cursed by the Chazon Ish. The Americans lost tens of soldiers from one missile!
Today, Hamas shoots bombs from the Gaza Strip by the dozens and rarely does anyone get
killed! In other countries, hundreds die!
Hashem is not performing these miracles for the ‘Israelis’. He performs them for the
Jewish people; for the Jews that study and live by the Torah and for those who, with their
children, will ultimately repent and study and live by the Torah. – 3 –
Hashem will Perform Miracles in the Future
The parents of Shimshon the Judge experienced the awesome revelation of an angel and
its fiery ascent to heaven. Shimshon’s father was afraid that he would die after seeing such an
awesome revelation. His wife calmed him down saying, “Had Hashem wanted to kill us He
would not have accepted our sacrifices and revealed to us these tremendous wonders
The miracles Hashem performed for us in recent history make us feel secure. Eretz
Yisroel is a country of a few million, encircled by a few hundred million bloodthirsty enemies who
continually attempt to destroy it but are miraculously unsuccessful. Hashem is not showing us all
these miracles in preparation for doom! He is performing all these miracles as a preparation for
a tremendous salvation.
However, we must prepare adequately for miracles. We have to repent and pray and
await the salvation of Hashem.
We are Obligated to Repent and Pray
Eliyahu Hanavi was informed by Hashem that it would rain after the three years of
famine. Eliyahu Hanavi prayed and it rained. Why did he have to pray if Hashem had promised
him that it would rain?
R’ Tzadok Hakohen answers – no matter! Even if we know that a miracle will happen, we
have to pray anyhow. Even though we know that Hashem will perform miracles for us at the final
redemption that will be greater than those at the redemption from Egypt, we still have to pray
and repent.
וְהַ מַּ יִם לָ הֶ ם חמָ ה ” ,By the splitting of the sea the verse states
” ‘the waters were fortresses.’
However, the word חמה is missing its ‘ ; it should have been spelled ו חומה. The Midrash infers
from here that חמה should be read as ה ָמ ֵח – wrath.
Great miracles were awaiting the Jewish people as they stood at the edge of the Sea of
Reeds. The powers of evil fought with all their might to prevent the miracles from materializing
and brought forth all the sins of the Jewish people. Therefore, there was a wrath in heaven.
When the Jewish people prayed and repented, the ה ָמ ֵח disappeared, and in its place, the ה ָמֹח –
protecting fortresses – appeared. The raging waters were transformed into a bastion of security.
Rescuing Ourselves from the Birth Pangs of Mashiach
The Gemara asks: “What should a person do to rescue himself from the birth pangs of
Mashiach?” The Gemara answers: “He should engage in Torah study and in acts of kindness.”
We have to take account of our actions; where are we up to in our service of Hashem?! Are we
satisfying His demands of us?! The Jewish people need merits!
בַּ קְּשׁוּ-צֶ דֶ ק בַּ קְּשׁוּ עֲ נָוָה אוּלַ י תִּ סָּ תְ רוּ בְּיוֹם אַף ה’ ” ;Prophet Tzefania implores
” , ‘Seek out justice,
seek out humility; perhaps you will be hidden on the day of the wrath of Hashem.’
We have to establish periods in the day for learning Torah; solid blocks of time,
uninterrupted by the distracting beep of an incoming text or call! One should make a habit of
removing his cell phone or closing it before sitting down to learn.
The Rebbe of Lubavitch said that when a Jew learns, it is like Shabbos. On an ordinary
day, one is obligated to be productive. It is only on Shabbos that are we exempt from working. – 4 –
When a person learns or engages in serving Hashem, for him it is Shabbos. Would we pick up
the phone on Shabbos? We do not answer calls when learning.
A Bais HaMedrash (house of prayer and Torah study) is a place which is dedicated to
Torah study. In a Bais HaMedrash it is Shabbos all week and no business is to take place. One
who answers his cell in the Bais HaMedrash brings the marketplace into Shabbos. He
desecrates the Shabbos which dwells there!
We have to put forth effort that our Torah learning should be with fire, not habitual.
Tefilah (Prayer)
We also need prayer, as the Rambam explained. Every Jew has to ask Hashem to spare
the Jewish people, his family and himself. We should exercise special focus during the parts in
the daily prayers when we pray for salvation from enemies. Examples are: the prayer of ‘ אמת
‘ , which we say by Maariv (evening prayers) ואמונה , in which we beseech Hashem to rescue us
from tormentors and oppressors; and השכבנו where we pray for protection.
During the Egyptian war, the Belzer Rav ztz”l, advised that everyone say chapter 46 from
Tehillim, in which we pray to be spared from suffering caused by war. I advise that we print this
chapter and paste it into every siddur (prayer book).
We should begin saying this psalm daily, because the danger we face is imminent!
“Prayers are more powerful when recited before the danger arrives
,” the Gemara informs us. It
is not a question of months; it is weeks. Within the next few weeks there will probably be news;
and with the help of Hashem, it will be good news for the Jewish people.
In addition, we have to give more tzedakah (charity) and engage in acts of kindness.
Unity Among Jews
The nullification of Haman’s evil decree came about through ” היהודים כל את כנוס
” , ‘the
gathering of all the Jews.’ Today’s leader of Persia speaks like Haman and we need unity as a
merit to be spared from his evil schemes.
We give only a half-shekel coin to pay for our part in the sacrifices to symbolize that we
are only a part of a whole. Moshe Rabbeinu asked that Hashem not accept Korach’s part in the
communal sacrifice because he instigated disunity among the Jewish people. He opposed the
entire idea of the half-shekel so his contribution was invalid.
Bitter feelings among Jews are a big victory for the Satan. We have to work in this area –
to forgive and forgo, and let go of grudges. This is very hard; but now when Jews need merits,
we have to do it!
It is a time of danger for the Jewish people, but we will be rescued. We should enter the
month of Adar – the month of unity among Jews and miracles against the Hamans of history –
with a happy heart.
May Hashem spread His Sukkah of protection upon us and every Jew and on
Yerushalayim, and
והביאנו לשלום מארבע כנפות הארץ ותולכנו מהרה קוממיות לארצנו
May He bring us in peace from the four corners of the land and guide us speedily, walking upright to our

(click here <-) The Shirah of Yisro  – Introduction

!Keep giving encouragement and never give up! rav-hardt-inspires-us-derech